BtoC - Programming language translator


BtoC - is a program translator that could convert a source code written in one programming language into a functional equivalent of the code in another programming language. Nowadays it was tested to translate a small basic source code to c code.
When we create a program we use programming language translators: the source code is usually converted to a machine code. In this case we translate from one to another high-level programming language.

It is simple to install and use. The small description file I have also included. Any questions could be asked by ticket system of sourceforge (criticism is very appreciated).

The key future of this translator is converting one expression to another and passing the variables without changing of theirs consecution. It translates one line by one.

It could be for example:

open "sample.txt" for input as #1 -> openFile(sample.txt,1)

copy "sample1.txt" to "sample2.txt" -> copyFile("sample1.txt","sample2.txt") 

print "Hello World!" -> System.out.println ("Hello World!") or Console.WriteLine ("Hello World!") or puts "Hello World!" or cout<<"Hello World!"

Mostly through modyfing of library files and sometimes trough modyfing of source code it is possilbe to set this translator to convert various program languages. It also means you could create your own program language.
The way to work could be following: in some IDE or text editor written sourceFile -> translatedFile -> compiledFile (if error or debugging -> jump to some line in sourceFile or translatedFile).

Download link:  Download BTOC